Trading Post & Beachfront Leisure Support Office
Trading Post Coffee Roasters is the soul of the Brighton coffee scene, hand roasting artisan coffee in the heart of Sussex and operating a number of premium Coffee Houses.<br><br>Beachfront Leisure operates bars, pubs and restaurants in the heart of Brighton, from beach bars to community pubs.<br><br>Our Coffee Houses and venues are busy places full of amazing Team Members, and at our Support Office we ensure they have all of the tools, resources, training and support they need to deliver great hospitality, standards, sales and profit across all divisions of our business. By joining us you may be working in a Trading Post Coffee Roasters function or one for Beachfront Leisure, or in one of our shared services roles; but either way, we are one big team with shared goals.
Open Opportunities
Booking & Events ManagerFull Time • Trading Post, Unit 2, Woodingdean,Buisiness Park, Sea Vew Way, Woodingdean